Mutall 2024 Portfolios


| Abigael Wanjiru |
| Intern |

My name is Abigael Wanjiru, studying at the Multimedia University of Kenya, pursuing a Bachelor's of science in computer technology.I am an intern here at mutall for a period of time.


| Immanuel Juma |
| Intern |

I am a student at Kirinyaga University , currently pursuing Computer Science. Having a desire to know programming - especially Python.Currently in an attachment Program at Mutall Data Managers.


| Simon Mulei |
| Intern |

I'm a Telecommunication Engineer , currently pursuing a BTech in Telecommunication and Information Engineering at Kirinyaga University, and currently in an attachment Program at Mutall Data Managers.


| Stella Wanjiru |
| Intern |

I'm a student at JKUAT University Pursuing a degree in Data Science and Analysis and currently in an attachment Program at Mutall Data Managers.


| Elias Msafiri | | Intern |

I'm a Juniour developer who studied Bsc.Inforation Technology at JKUAT University and currently in an Internship Program at Mutall Data Managers.


| Bernard Muli |
| Intern |

I'm a Juniour developer who studied Bsc.Inforation Technology at Daystar University and currently in an Internship Program at Mutall Data Managers.


| Isaac Gatonye |
| Intern |

I am from Daystar University with a BSc in Information Technology . Relevant coursework includes: Programming Languages, Database Systems . I'm currently in an Internship Program at Mutall Data Managers.


| James Mogaka |
| Intern |

I'm a Software developer who studied Software Engineering at Kirinyaga University and currently in an Internship Program at Mutall Data Managers.

| Karen Nandi |
| Intern |

I'm a Juniour developer who studied Bsc.Inforation Technology at JKUAT University and currently in an Internship Program at Mutall Data Managers.

| John Kamau |
| Atachee |

I'm a Juniour developer with a diploma in Business Information Technology.I studied at KCA University and currently in an attachment Program at Mutall Data Managers.