
1 [x] A proper craw foot
2 [] Ensure metavisuo can run as standalone
3 [] Check+Highlight invalid entities
4 [ ] Implement CRUD functionality
4.1 Crud for Entities
4.2 ..Attributes
4.3 ..Relations
5[] Confirm metav. Submodel is embedded+work in all dbs.


2.1 [ ]work on your github portfolio and populate it
2.2 [ ]start by creating a skeleton of your github portfolio and demonstrate it
2.3 [ ]learn on collaborating with others in github
2.4 [ ]explain to us what a commit,merge,push and pull is all about
2.5 [ ]Push all your applications to github
2.6 [ ]to be demonstrated

3. Registration System

3.1 [ ]design a database system which can accomodate the data that you have and can accomodate more data
3.2 [ ]Process the excel data to avoid repetition of names
3.3 [ ] Take payment messages from Mr. Murayas group and add the data to help prepare for a future conference
3.4 [ ] Develop a website system to help in the registration process

4. Portfolio

4.1 [x]Update your portfolio
4.2 [ ]develop a Label format on the portfolio for mobile view
4.3 [ ]copy muli's fomart html and css style
4.4 [ ]Add a toggle button to change the view on the portfolio
4.5 [ ]check with kangara how he was able to change his work sheet from edit to normal

5. Animation

5.1 []work on the animation for the contributors from the ordination ceremony from George's website

6. Frameworks_/

6.1 []Use the new languages you wanted to learn to help build on the items in your porfolio which will help expand your knowledge on the languages