1.1 [ ]style your content for it to be more visible on click
1.2 [ ]zooming capabilities(zoom in and zoom out)
1.3 [ ]you need to be able to pan the view
1.4 [ ]a method to be able to select a new database
1.5 [ ]A proper craw foot
1.6 [ ]a drop down menu
2.1 []what you learnt from the research of other created cafe websites(structure, services...)
2.2 Collect your own images to upload on your website
2.2.1 [ ]to be reported next time
2.3 People can make orders on the masai cafe website
2.4 [ ]to be reported next time
3.1 [ ]work on your github portfolio and populate it
3.2 [ ]start by creating a skeleton of your github portfolio and demonstrate it
3.3 [ ]learn on collaborating with others in github
3.4 [ ]explain to us what a commit,merge,push and pull is all about
3.5 [ ]Push all your applications to github
3.6 [ ]to be demonstrated
4.1 [x]visit different conferences
4.2 [ ]take and show pictures of registration records
4.3 [ ]collecting info. from the conference that help push the activities in the conference(from the start of the conference to the end)
4.4 [ ]keep a directory of people who run the registration systems
4.5 [ ]visit atleast two local international organizations and try talking to the managers
5.1 [x]Update your portfolio
5.2 [ ]develop a Label format on the portfolio for mobile view
5.3 [ ]copy muli's fomart html and css style
5.4 [ ]Add a toggle button to change the view on the portfolio
5.5 [ ]check with kangara how he was able to change his work sheet from edit to normal
6.1 [ ]set up the kitchen
6.2 [ ]stock the kitchen and
6.3 [ ]record opening stock(show whats coming in,whats coming out)
6.4 [ ]Analyze the current consumption to estimate the average consumption,complete the estimate
6.5 [ ]plan on the arrangement for people cooking and cleaning
6.6 [ ]Develop a system for taking stock for Diaspora Gardens
6.7 [ ]find out about the place
6.8 [ ]talk and find out about the people who take stock
7.1 []work on the animation for the contributors from the ordination ceremony from George's website
8.1 []Use the new languages you wanted to learn to help build on the items in your porfolio which will help expand your knowledge on the languages