
a.[x]put the portfolio in label form.Use content tag

Sharon Hub

a. [x]Use github to raise you visibility on your sharon hub.
b. [ ]Make the hub active.
c. [ ]Sharon hub still looks like a normal cv, make it a master piece of web technology, hyperlinks, videos and animation, show a bit of creativit


a.[ ]Find examples in youtube to solve the rentize problem (OCR), first work on one(co-operative) and we will replicate to the others. b.[ ]Speed up the bank statement to reduce the amount of time used to produce the invoices
c.[ ] Use the software and scan a document and see the difference between the original and the output. Give us the report so that we can see the problem and advance on the ocr tools, without any programming.
d.[ ]Show us how to use the software, so that we know whether the output is usable or not.(Show us the intermediate steps)- We will use this for understanding the techniques of image processing.
e.[ ]Research on excel which has features to convert hard copy documents when scanned to spreadsheets


a.[x]Working groups to agree on working logo, the icon should be square, just use the initials.
b.[ ]The challenges you faced in your attachment
c.[x]Experience gained in your attachment.