1.1 [x] Use metavisio(carol's) to see how your databases model looks like
2.1 [ ] For each traders,sellers try to find a specific problem
2.2 [ ] What is it that the system that does, look what it doesn't
2.3 [ ] Take photos of the forms to help identify gaps
2.4 [ ] Tell us specifically you are working on
2.5 [ ] On the butchers, give us a clear outline on what information you are getting from them
2.6 [ ] Try not using standardised tools when developing a website-this will help you be able to modify your code easily as a beginner -Peter
2.7 [ ] Stop focusing on only the frontend of your livestock website, try have an interactive website. Move away from designers view and move to a programmer point of view. For the tools it can be used to visualise your ideas - Peter
2.8 [ ] Peter, Kangara and Mr. Muraya can help load data in excel - Peter
2.9 [ ]For the tools it can be used to visualise your ideas. - Mr. Muraya
4.1 [ ] Give a report on intern support- Mr. Muraya
5.1 [ ] Check the strucure on the plan and outcome. It is not quite clear- Mr Muraya
5.2 [ ] The plan for image processing is to do case study and research and apply image processing techniques- Mr Muraya
5.3 [ ] Move away from ideas and start the implementations
5.4 [ ] Add personal goals where you want to be in 2 years in terms of education - Mr. Muraya