- [x]Have a column in the portfolio table to reflect problems and a another on how to solve them
- [x]Have technologies you will use in the last column of the table.
- [x]Do media query on your portfolio
- [x]The portfolio to be refurbished and using the css as Muli
- []show us how you have solved the problems on the portfolio(case study)
Image Processing
- [x]Major problem was to manage all the photos and videos in the ceremony.
- [x]Get audios for the songs listed in the site.
- [x]Have the audios be a part of images. -[ ] Have a 3 section for your website;
- Navigation side bar.
- Website content
- Video and audio.
- [ ]Answer how will the application show the images has been added.
- [ ]Show some restrictions like size and quality
- [x]Make the conributions autoplay instead of scrolling.
- [x]Check the background on the image on the body, it is obstructing visibility
- [ ]Fix the Navigation
- [x]Remove the bullets and add buttons
- [ ]Make an interactive UI
- [ ]Make the song match
- [x]Deploy to digital ocean
- [x]Work on the sound
- [x]For the navigation, when you go to a page it highlights
- [x]Make sure the videos autoplay when 100 percent visible
- [ ]On the server, the videos are not playing-deployment issues
- [ ]Add animations on list of contributors
Livestock Management
- [ ]Add what a user wants with the livestock e.g slaughtering
- [ ]Add tables for slaughter people,transporters and feed suppliers
- [ ]visit livestock market to help database design
- [ ]should have a search functionality