1.1 [ ] Incorporate a video in your portfolio, describing yourself and the projects you are planning to complete.
1.2 [ ] Have demos in the other projects.
- PK added hyperlinks to open his applications from his portfolio but not all applications have been deployed yet.
1.3 [ ] Ensure that my portfolio follows this pattern.
$No $Item_id: $one_line_header
$collapsible multi_detail
Find out more:$hyperlink
2. Chat
2.1 [ ] Have a way to view the previous chats when logged out.
2.2 [ ] Include other personnel to aid in the frontend part.
2.3 [ ] Issue with showing the number of users online, problem is the application adds a user when you reload the page and also adds you back when you rejoin the chat.
2.4 [ ] Send a message using the enter key button.
2.5 [ ] Integrate the chat system with our library, and what it takes to incorporate it to other systems.
2.5.1 [ ] Start by integrating the system to our timetable page.
2.5.2 [ ] (SN) will help you in designing the interface.
2.6 [ ] How will you incorporate other media like images, emoji etc in your chat system?
- Currently PK intends to work on sending messages first then incorporate sharing other media in messages later.
2.7 How can someone send a text to a specific user?
2.8 How can you incorporate a group chat in future?
2.9 How can the system identify a user in your system?
- Currently the application at hand any user can login with a any username, For the new system it will be linked with the mutall_user database which will help in the login identification.
2.10 Have a search bar to in looking up for words/phrases in the application.
2.11 [ ] Notifications
2.11.1. [ ] Notifications should quietly update the application messages panel as soon as a message is sent. All old chats are visible in the same panel.
3. Image
3.1 [ ] JK will provide images from his field work, also JK to oversee how things are done.
4. Documentation
4.1 [ ] Have the nav bar interactive, someone should be able to navigate to different section.
4.2 [ ] Allow Further contribution by Users via the Monaco editor.
5. Payment
5.1 [ ] Help in integrating the Daraja API to James' and George's application
5.2 [ ] Get Mr. Muraya a personal till number account.
5.3 [ ] Cash Item for M-PESA till Number.
6. Accounting.
6.1 [ ] Present the QuickBooks initiative jointly with Julius next time.
6.1.1 [ ] Load the office receipts into Quick books to help in generation of data to be used in filing returns for Mutall Investments Company.
7. Migration
7.1 [ ] Migration of mutall_co rental to DO and updating it to PHP 8.1 to produce invoices in MutallCO.