1. Portfolio.

1.1 [x] Summarize the table content, to have the portfolio in one page.
1.2 [ ] Incorporate a video in your portfolio, describing yourself and the projets you are planning to complete.
1.3 [ ] Have demos in the other projects.

2. Chat.

2.1 [ ] Have a way to view the previous chats when logged out.
2.2 [ ] Include other personels to aid in the frontend part.
2.3 [ ] Issue with showing the number of users online, problem is the application adds a user when you reload the page and also adds you back when you rejoin the chat.
2.4 [ ] Send message using enter key button.
2.5 [ ] Intergrate the chat system with our library, and what does it take to incorporate it to other systems.
    2.5.1 [ ] Start by intergrating the system to our timetable page.
    2.5.2 [ ] (SN) will help you in designing the interface.

3. Image.

3.1 [ ]

4. Speech Recognition.

4.1 [ ] Later on you can have the system to do translation.

5. Documentation.

5.1 [ ] Have the nav bar interactive, someone should be able to navigate to different section.

6. Payment.

6.1 [ ] How can you intergrate the Daraja API to James' and George's application
6.2 [ ] Get Mr. Muraya a personal till number account.

7. Accounting.