1.1. [x] Have a good template for allowing you to manage your content properly. You can investigate content management systems such as Drupal or Wordpress.
1.2. [x] Make the website attractive and easier to use. Add animation, use a background suitable for projection.
1.3. [x] Redesign the page to have a Navigation bar that will make the website easier to use. This way you will have a chance of engaging the users.
1.4. [ ] Include the Buy me a coffee idea to engage the visitors to your website.
1.5. [x] Move the navigation to the right, rather than on the left.
1.6. [ ] Include what the young men were taught, so that parents can have a point of reference and reinforce what was taught.
1.7. [x] Layout the organizational chart(groups) in a horizontal manner to support more and more usages.
1.8. [ ] Organize the content into a simpler format .i.e, an excel sheet to support database integration(PK).
1.9. [ ] Develop a model for the data in preparation of saving the data into the database.
2.1. [ ] You can have some description about the property such as:-
2.1.1. - [ ] How far it is located from the main road.
2.1.2. - [ ] Days they can take clients to view the land.
2.1.3. - [ ] Proximity to social amenities such as schools and Hospitals.
2.1.4. - [ ] Add information such as electricity and water.
2.2. [x] Look at what Dennis and Kimotho were doing with regard to Real Estate.
2.2.1. - Borrow the good Ideas from that project.
2.2.2. - Get a feel of the data model and view the attributes that you might need.
2.4. [ ] Collect data from Dennis's forms which will give you a slight idea of how you will organize the data so that it can be helpful to both the buyer and the seller.
2.5. [ ] Interact with the surveyor (field work) to get a feel of how land data is collected and managed in order to develop a good mashamba website. Think about how you can manage the documents involved in transfer of ownership of lands.
2.5.1. [x] Organize the data into excel sheets.
2.5.2. [x] Develop a model for the files and folders.
2.5.3. [ ] Develop a database and load the data to have a feel of how it will work(PM/PK).
2.5.4. [ ] Have timeline for collecting the data from the field (JM).
2.5.5. [ ] Implement the first draft of the Interface, that you will show to Nelson(PM).
2.5.6. [ ] Add the link to the scanned documents in Google Drive(PM).
3.1. [ ] Have a good database to support all the data.
3.1.1. [ ] Use the mutall_users.user table for login registration.
3.1.2. [ ] Avoid colliding colors.
3.1.3. [ ] Think about presenting the data collected from the gym in the form of a html which you will support the layout of more data as compared to the current chart view.
3.2. [ ] Develop a Good Webpage, Be more creative and include concepts/aspects of Fitness or a gym, even before you login.
3.2.1. - [ ] You can add an animation of people working out.
3.3. [ ] Look at the Federated Login Services to support login such Firebase to support Google/Facebook login.
3.4. [ ] Go to the gym and Collect Data to improve your website.
3.4.1. [ ] Visit the GYM to collect data in excel sheets with the goal of collecting the various metrics needed to present the data(PK).
4.1. [ ] Develop your hub with the premise of the Journal App. This will support you in the management of your day to day operations.
5.1. [x] Add the Documentation to the web, specifically into tracker, since it is designed to support new interns.
5.2. [x] Add the documentation for how to upload files and how to use fileZilla.