Textbook System

  1. [ ] Add functionalities to the text book system, to get something working to present to potential users
  2. [ ] upload to the server the school system
  3. [ ] look at how nemis system works
  4. [x] change from textbook to school research
  5. [x] other ideas , fees transport, exam, lunch


  1. [x] Load the beneficiaries to the system.
  2. [x] Add a data list to help us do searches.
  3. [x] Add start date to every member.
  4. [] Add a column selector.
  5. [] Add the rest of the data.
  6. [x] Add the crown section.
  7. [] Add a button for showing detailed and non detailed output


  1. [] Redesign the showing of regions to take care of empty cases.,
    this retaining the orientation region when there is no data in the body.
  2. [] Expand the drop areas for accepting dragged factors,
    so that dropping to empty regions become meaningful. For instance,
  1. [] Complete the 'edit-score' option by implementing the save method using the questionnaire library
  2. [] Add option for creating and capturing new exam results by extending the 'edit-score' option
  3. [] Add the left and bottom margin summaries,
    thus extending the worksheet. Consider extending the the base and crest ctes to achieve this
  4. [] Hide user-selected factor levels from display,
    allowing users to focus on what matters at the time.
    Consider using checkboxes for filter.select options
  5. [] Review header styling using multi-technology approach,
    including, detail/summary, grid area+display flex, fieldset, etc.
  6. [] Consider the fact that students graduate from one grade to another
    after an year by creating new progressions.
  7. [] Try and display chama and oritech data by creating matching
    base ctes and re-using the sheet and query.ts libraries


  1. [] Add the invoice table to the database
  2. [] Create a query to get the client, site, subscription identifies, and extract the year month and amount from the payment table
  3. [] Create a php file for loading the invoice data
  4. [] Load subscription cost
  5. [] update the loading php file