School research system
- [ ] instead of textbook system to be school research system
- [ ] next presentation,tell the team areas to cover on school research.
- [ ] visit cybercafe,youtube and online to see how nemis works,give us a report.
- [ ] mwaniki to talk with owner of similar system to see how it works and compare notes.
- [ ] finalize on uploading to the server.
- [ ] update the portfolio.
- [ ] Load the beneficiaries to the system.
- [ ] mark cell green for beneficiaries and red for who didnt contribute.
- [ ] create single cell for sorting.
- [ ] add fuctionality.
- [ ] redesign the interface,table not to occupy whole space.
- [ ] add menu on header.
- [] Work on the paginator populate it.
- [] Complete the drag and drop on current system.
- [] Add labels so that we can do drag and dropping.
- [] Change the default display and input the factors required in showing another design.
- [] Freezing of margins.
- [] Calculation of summaries.