9:00 am  At Apostle Muteros Home

When the saints Go Marching in

1. Oh, when the saints (oh, when the saints)
Go marching in, (go marching in)
Oh, when the saints go marching in,
Oh, yes, I want to be in that number (in that number)
When the saints go marching in.

2. Up where the streets (up where the streets)
Are paved with gold, (are paved with gold)
Up where the streets are paved with gold,
Oh, yes, I want to be in that number (in that number)
Where the streets are paved with gold.

3. We'll dwell in peace (we'll dwell in peace)
Forever more, (forever more)
We'll dwell in peace forever more.
Oh, yes, I want to be in that number (in that number)
Dwell in peace forever more.

10:00 am; Procession from home to Kiaguthu community play grounds

Jesu, Mutharaba Wakwa

Jesu, mutharaba wakwa
Riu nindeigirira
Hikire Mwathani wakwa
O na angi mamutiga

Ningükürümirira we
We wanguïrïire
Kaba arata mandige
Ngürūmagirire we

O na manginyamaria atĩa
Ndiuragira hari we
Mathina mothe mangiuka

Ndiri na thuti ya indo
Ici cia gukũ thi îno
Nii ndi gitonga kuna
Ndina igai kwa Ngai

Mürata, nawe hanyuka
Na wihumbe witikio
Niguo ugakinya igürü
Gikeno-ini kwa Ngai

Riria Atheru Makaingira

Riria atheru makaingira,
Riria atheru makaingira,
Ngai ngwenda o na niï ngakoruo ho,
Riria atheru makaingira.

Na makiigirîrwo thumbi,
Na makiigirirwo thumbi,
Ngai ngwenda o na nii ngakoruo ho,
Na makïigirirwo thumbi.

Na gükīgoocwo igūru,
Na gükigoocwo igürü,
Ngai ngwenda o na nii ngakoruo ho,
Na gukigoocwo igūru.

Na gükiinwo Haleluya!
Na gükiinwo Haleluya!
Ngai ngwenda o na nii ngakoruo ho,
Na gūkiinwo Haleluya!

Riria atheru makaingira,
Riria atheru makaingira,
Ngai ngwenda o na nii ngakoruo ho,
Riria atheru makaingira.

12; Offertory

Ngai Niariturathimaga Lyrics

Ngai nîarîtûrathimaga,
rathime mawira maitu(mawîra maitû)
Arathime mîgûnda itû
twamûtegera na wendo (Ngai witû) x2

Niegûtûhe kîrîa gîothe twamûhoya -
twamûtegera na wendo
Niegûtûhe bûthi wa irio na mahiû -
Mawîra maitû namo mone umithio -
Mirimû itû yothe niegûtûhonia -
Atwehererie mogwati mawîra-inî -
Mabiacara maitû magîthereme -
Kîrîa twahanda agatûma tûgethe-
Thuthi, mbûca, memenyi atwehererie -
Ng'aragu gwitu igutwika rugano

The Ordination Covenant


[1] Mütongoria oimaga igürü kwa Ngai
Ndoimaga kwenda-ini kwa andu
Athuragirwo nda ni Ngai akamürwo
Ona agaitirio maguta

Ucio mutherie na mwamüre ni Ngai
Niarūgamirio mbere ya andu mamenye
Ni murathimire útongoria

[2] Gütongoria mioyo ya andû aingi na ikinye
Ni Ngai ŭrathimanaga
Ona güitiriria maguta na thayu
Ni Ngai uitanagiriria

[3] Bethlehemu kwa Jesii Samweli
Riria arathimaga uthamaki
Mugambo woimire na igürü kwa Ngai
Akirwo arathime Daudi

[4] Müthenya ucio Ngai nierire Samweli
Nii ndiroraga mothiù ma andû
Nii Ngai ndoraga ngoro ni njüï
Ngoro nyamure na ndathime

[5] Andü a guka thi mahenagio meciria
Mona mothiŭ ma andŭ aria athaka
No Ngai akenagio ni ngoro iria thingu
Ona ingihoya ni aiguaga

[6] Niaiguire mahoya ma Hana agikena
Ngai agiikürukia kiheo
Kia mwana mütherie Samweli wa Hana
Akirwo arathimanage



Video Recap

He Maguta Tawaini Njakanage

He maguta tawaini njakanage,
He maguta tawaini ndahoya;
He maguta tawaini njakanage;
Njakanage nginya gūkie.

Inai Hosana, inai Hosana;
Hosana Muthamaki wa athamaki!
Inai Hosana, inai Hosana;
Hosana Muthamaki!

Ndi mutharabaini u'hehenje;
Ndi mutharabaini ndahoya;
Ndi mutharabaini u'hehenje;
'Hehenjaga nginya gūkie.

Ü'he thayu ngoroinî 'hurukage,
Ü'he thayu ngoroini ndahoya;
Ü'he thayu ngoroini 'hurukage;
Jesu agigacoka gwakia.

Ü'he wendo ngoroini nyendanage,
Ü'he wendo ngoroini ndahoya;
Ü'he wendo ngoroini nyendanage;
Jesu agīgacoka gwakia.

He gikeno ngoroini ngũgoocage,
He gikeno ngoroini ndahoya;
He gikeno ngoroini ngũgoocage,
Ngũgoocage nginya gükie.

You can share your photos from the ceremony here

Vote of Thanks

Kiberi @+254 722 848399
Dear brethren, friends and all people of good will good morning and praise the Lord Jesus Christ. It's with a lot of humility that we Apostles and Reverend Edward and Florence Kiberi Mutero to give glory and honor to our almighty God for giving us a great day yesterday 3-12-2022.Really it's was the day that the lord had made it and we were honored to be glad and rejoiced in it.We experienced the presence of the holy spirit and received the great commission in Mathews chapter 28 to make disciples and the great promise for the Lord Jesus Christ to be with us until the end of the time's.We therefore to this great and earliest opportunity to express our gratitude to all of you who stood with us in prayers, morally and even in kind.Its our humble prayers that the almighty God continue giving and meeting all your desires at the time of needs.May you never lack.God bless you abundantly as stand with us in this great ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.Shalom
- - @+254 722 430899
Congratulations Servants of the Most High. He who has called you is faithful to sustain you in the ministry.
- - @+254 721 453087
Congrats Wakini, the ceremony was very colourful and well arranged. We wish Apostles Florence & Edward Kiberi well as they serve God. The highest calling one can receive is to serve God.
-- @+254 721 285473
Glory be to God for granting our prayers as Gethsemane Christian church. The most High blessed the day. I would wish to thank each one of you for the support in prayers, financial, advisory and attendance to the organizing meetings contribution. It was cordial guided by God. Do good unto others as you may wish them to do you. God is great as Gethsemane st Mark's Kiaguthu has reverends, who are ordained in the name of Jesus Christ. Thanks, through prayers it was a success.
- - @+254 722 297447
Congratulation on your ordination, May the Lord give you grace as you serve in his vineyard the work is enormous workers are few. Karibu.
- - @+254 724 877995
Apostle Edward,we wish you all the best as you minister God's flock.
- - @+254 723 720494
Congratulations Apostles Edward and Florence.I wish you well as you continue with God's ministry as a Shepherd.Amen.
- - @+254 721 160775
Blessings to you,Rev Edward.
Now you have been 'put in order'
God blessyou, Glory be to almighty God !.
- - @+254 720 233336
Kila la heri katika mwito wenu.Mola azidi kuwabariki mnapo fanya kazi shambani lake Pana.