From: Fernandez-Rivera, Salvador (ILRI) [S.FERNANDEZ-RIVERA@CGIAR.ORG]
Sent: 17 October 2006 10:05 AM
To: ILRI Staff
Cc: SLPOffice
Subject: SSA Feeds: A new, web-based feed information system for SSA



I am pleased to inform you that we have developed a new, web-based, freely-available software to make accessible information on the nutritional value of livestock feeds used in Sub-Saharan Africa. The software, called for short “SSA Feeds”, can be accessed from the website of the SLP:


And then clicking on the thumbnail:



As we will be enhancing both the database and the software of this information system over the next few months, we will appreciate and acknowledge any suggestion you may have to improve it.


Please visit the web site, use the software and send us your feedback to:




Thanks and best wishes,



Salvador Fernandez-Rivera

Coordinator, CGIAR Systemwide Livestock Programme

International Livestock Research Institute

P.O. Box 5689

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia