From: Moore, Ian (ILRI - ICRAF) [I.MOORE@CGIAR.ORG] Sent: 09 October 2006 4:03 PM To: Scott, Bruce (ILRI); Nwankwo, Emily Habwe (ICRAF); Laude, Brigitte (ILRI); Oberg, Anne-Lie (ICRAF); deVilliers, Etienne (ILRI); Beniest, Jan (ICRAF); Roy-Macauley, Harold (ICRAF); Fulss, Richard (ILRI); Muraya, Peter (ICRAF-ILRI); Kabutha, Linus (ICRAF) Subject: ICT steering group background documents Dear Colleagues I've attached 5 documents a background material for Wednesday's meeting. Most of which you will have seen before. I include an initial review of the ICT Strategy and Information Security Policy in the agenda. My idea is to provide an overview of what we are trying to do with these documents and then to continue the review over a period of time by email. The latest draft documents are also attached. 1. "Proposal for a joint ILRI ICRAF ICT steering group" - I've incorporated the comments you have made in the run-up to this meeting. 2. "ICER-ILRI ICRAF IT-091006 with budget" - the ToR and suggested itinerary for the up-coming ICER on ICT at ILRI and ICRAF 3. "Draft ILRI-ICRAF ICT revised Strategy v3" - as presented to MC/SLT, suggestions and comments requested from the steering group over the coming weeks. 4. "Quick Reference Information Security Policy V2" - the readable version of a CG wide baseline security policy. 5. "Draft CGIAR Information Security Policy V4" - the full version of a CGIAR wide Information security policy as recommended by SGV (an Ernst and Young group member). This is long and unlikely to be read by many staff but contains everything recommended in an international standard Information security policy. Advice requested on how to present this and other policy documents for IT in the Centres. Regards Ian